Milenco Super Heavy Duty Al-Ko AK161 Hitch Lock 5609
These hitch locks will provide the strongest security on the market, combining heavy-duty 4mm steel with the toughest lock ever used in a product for this purpose. Providing a strong visual theft deterrent, and delivering exceptional, unsurpassed attack resistance.
The Milenco Heavy-Duty Hitch Locks are UK-made, and have been designed and engineered to far exceed the Sold Secure Gold and SCM MP03 standards.
Sold Secure is the UK’s leading independent testing agency for security products, providing the toughest standards across a range of categories. Sold Secure Gold is 2.5x tougher than the old Thatcham Category 3.
Super Heavy-Duty AK 161 Hitchlock – Product code: 5609
Fits Alko, AK 161 hitches.
Can be used in conjunction with Al-Ko AK161 Hitch Lock doubling up the level of security. Available here
Can be used hitched or unhitched (with security ball) – DO NOT USE WHILST TOWING.
Compact and lightweight
Simple to fit
Heavy duty security
Insurance approved
Complete with 3 keys, textile carry bag, and security ball
Please note: If you have any issues unlocking/locking the product, please contact our technical department by emailing